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What is Benzoin Resin Incense used for - by Soul Niche

Purification, blessings, prosperity.
Healing, energizing, uplifting, stimulating.

Benzoin is burned for purification, astral projection, clears negative energy, emotional balance, eases sadness, depression, weariness, grief, anger, anxiety and to attract prosperity.

When burned, Benzoin has a nice vanilla undertone with earthy balsam notes and is a commonly used church incense for its potent effects.

Benzoin is best used to provide focus and enhance concentration. It is a desirable herb for those seeking a journey into the astral world. Magickally, Benzoin promotes generosity and can open a closed spirit suffering from selfishness. Energizing, uplifting, stimulating. It is known to ‘melt away’ blockages and drive away evil spirits.

Types of Benzoins: Styrax Benzoin, Benzoin Sumatra, Benzoin Siam, Benzoin Singapore. Also found in Pontifical Resin.

Wiccan Sabbots: Autumn Equinox, Wheel of the Year.

Gender: Masculine.
Planetary Association: Sun.
Element: Air.
Deities: Venus, Aphrodite, Mut.

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